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NC = no contribution, so, please, if you want to recieve the qsl,
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Activation from 6 to 13 oct. 1997, callsign 248/14 AT 1096.
QSL manager Mr Stefen (14 AT 666) P.O. Box 157
LOG SHEET N�1 | YEAR: 1997 | 248/14 AT 1096 | op:MAT
2011/X2 AT 241 joe580USB12:3359+045OKyes
2111/X22 AT 106 thierry580USB12:3558037OKyes
2211/X2 AT 248 580USB 12:35 55 013OK yes
2311/X 2 AT 591 580 USB 12:37 59 020 OK yes
2411/X 2 AT 545 580 USB12:38 59 014 OK yes
2511/X 2 AT 599 580 USB 12:40 55 001 ? no
2611/X2 KP 236 580 USB 12:45 59 X OK yes
2711/X 2 AT 237 580 USB 12:48 50 053 OK yes
2811/X 12 AT 197 multi 580 USB 13:48 57 210 ? no
2911/X 2 AT 239580 USB 13:49 59+ 003 ? no
3011/X 10 AT 156 580 USB 13:57 58 048 NC yes
3111/X 2 AT 292 600 USB 14:02 59 001 OK yes
33 11/X 10 AT 108 600 USB 14:10 53 007 OK yes
34 11/X 10 AT 101 600 USB 14:15 57 33 ? no
3511/X2 JT 328 600 USB 14:15 59+20 X NCyes
36 11/X 72 AT 115 600 USB 14:20 59 ? OK yes
37 11/X10 AT 130 600 USB 14:20 58 036 ? no
38 11/X11 AT 121 600 USB 14:25 58 248 OK yes
39 11/X72 AT 107 600 USB 14:30 59 ? ? no
4011/X2 AT 645 jef 600 USB 14:35 53 001 OK yes
41 11/X 2 AT 374 600 USB 14:38 58 025 OK yes
42 11/X 2 AT 454 greg 600 USB 14:40 57 051 OK yes
43 11/X 10 AT 165 500 USB 14:50 58042 ? no
44 11/X 2 WW 279 580 USB 14:55 58 X NCyes
45 11/X 9 AT 197 590 USB 15:05 55 081 ? no
46 11/X 9 AT 322 590 USB ? ? ? ? no
47 11/X 2 AT 538 560 USB 15:35 53 00? OK yes
48 11/X 218 AT 103 multi 490 USB 15:45 58 185 ? no
49 11/X 2 AT 570 490 USB 15:47 57 ? OK yes
50 11/X2 AT 243 ron 580 USB 15:52 58 002 ? no
51 11/X69 AT 109 580 USB 15:55 59 049 ? no
52 11/X 9 AT 185 anay 580 USB 15:55 50 031 OKyes
53 11/X 9 AT 249 580 USB 16:00 59 040 OK yes
54 11/X9 DT 531 dana 580 USB 16:05 55 X OK yes
55 11/X2 CT 579 ? 580 USB 16:15 ? X ? no
56 11/X6 AT 101 460 USB 16:20 59 024 ? no
57 11/X 72 CDG 010 580 USB 16:34 58 X ? no
58 11/X 69 AT 112 590 USB 17:33 58 100 OK yes
60 11/X69 AT 861 victor 590 USB 17:35 58 012 ? no
61 11/X 84 AT 107 fred 645 USB 17:40 58 627 OK yes
62 11/X84 AT 107 fred 645 USB 17:45 59 X ? no
63 11/X158 AT 104 don 570 USB 17:55 58 X OK yes
64 11/X5 MU 207 570 USB 18:00 57 X ? no
65 11/X72 AT 106 570 USB 18:00 55 X ? no
66 11/X158 KP 734 preston 590 USB 18:17 57 X ? no
67 11/X10 AT 164 570 USB 18:20 56 070 NC yes
68 11/X 105 RC 102 ? 570 USB 18:30 52 X ? no
11/X 2 AT 538 560 USB 19:00 ? ? ? no
69 11/X 6 AT 101 570 USB 19:15 58 087 ?no
70 11/X 10 AT 126 570 USB 19:15 57 034 ? no
71 11/X 158 AT 110 george 580 USB 19:25 58 025 ? no
72 11/X 69 AT 103 mario 580 USB 19:30 57112 ? no
73 11/X 2 AT 790 kenny 580 USB 19:30 57 017 OK yes
74 11/X2 AT 303 van 580 USB 19:32 55 018 OK yes
75 11/X9 AT 137 510 USB 19:55 51 058 OK yes
76 11/X 2 AT 294 dale 510 USB 19:55 58 086 OK yes
77 11/X2 AT 186 510 USB 20:05 59 001 ? no
78 11/X 2 AT 260 530 USB 20:31 58 025 OK yes
79 11/X2 ? 642 530 USB 20:35 58 X ? no
80 11/X 9 AT 193 530 USB 20:47 57 X NC yes
81 11/X 9 AT 136 530 USB 20:50 56 002 OK yes
82 11/X 3 AT 177 530 USB 20:55 52 ? OK yes
83 11/X 2 ? 65 brian 530 USB 20:55 58 ? ? no
84 11/X 69 RH 414 530 USB 21:05 57 X ? no
85 11/X 69 RH 415 530 USB 21:10 57 X ? no
86 11/X 2 AT 193 judy 530 USB 21:13 53 016 ? no
87 11/X 2 ? 250 carry 520 USB 21:20 55 X ? no
88 11/X 12 AT 151 520 USB 21:55 55 337 ? no
89 11/X 2 AT 430 520 USB 22:00 57 001 OK yes
90 11/X 10 AT 113 520 USB 22:05 58 X ? no
91 11/X 3 AT 244 550 USB 22:15 55 120 ? no
93 11/X 3 AT 056 570 USB 22:20 53 297 OK yes
94 11/X 10 AT 144 650 USB 22:30 55 017 ? no
95 11/X 3 AT 166 650 USB 22:30 50 187 OK yes
12/X 22 RC 101 françois 510 USB 13:33 57 X ? no
96 12/X 32 AT 109 480 USB 14:03 53 X ? no
97 12/X 32 MU 105 480 USB 14:03 52 X ? no
98 12/X 173 AT 119 jérome 490 USB 14:48 53 ? ? no
9912/X10 AT 139 brenito480USB15:255621NCyes

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People comments

  • Mat 14 TR 09(tweedr@mygale.org) said : Sympa ce site.
  • Xavier 9 AT 137(xavann@sympatico.ca) said : Merci pour le prog et pour ta courtoisie.
  • Stefen 14 AT 666(my qsl manager !!!) said : Yes Mat, très bonne ideé le log sur le net ...!
  • Nicolas 14 SD 565(nicolas.DX@wanado.fr) said : Félicitations. Heureux de voir que tu y sois arrivé.
  • Nicolas 14 IR 08(IR019@aol.com) said : Félicitations pour le site et pour l'activation. 73's de Nick-Valence-Dept 26.
  • Paul 2 AT 570(PaulAT570@aol.com) said : It was nice to talk to you, then I hope to cath you in your home div...
  • Gerardo 30 QU 001(gerard@santandersupernet.com) said : I'm very glad to send you this e-mail, thanks for all, I wait your e-mail and also the QSL !

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    See here the flag of 248/14AT1096's activation !!!
    I am sorry for delay but I had some money troubles...

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    This page is optimized for 800x600 screen.
    Best if viewed with Internet Explorer 3.02
    or Netscape 3.01
    Created by 14 AT 1096
    Copyright Mathias CHOREIN, XI/1997

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